american gas & chemical co. ltd.
 D E T E C T I O N   T E C H N O L O G Y

Safety Data Sheets



Badges / Tel-Tox Wearable Monitors, Disposable Toxic Gas Indicators, Wraps
E Pressure Testing Solution  
Flaw Finder (1)
Flaw Finder (2)
Inspection Penetrants, Developers, Emulsifiers and Cleaners
Magnetic Particles
Fluoro Finder Shot Peen Tracers
Immersit Immersion Leak Testing Solution
Leak-Tec Liquid Leak Detector - Bubble Testing Solutions
Lubricant TSI-301, TSI-321  High Performance Synthetic Lubricants
PiNPOiNT Colormetric (color change) leak detection
Tracer Dyes EZ-trace Leak Testing Dyes
Other Everything Else

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  On this website you will find SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) designed to meet OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the United Nations Global Harmonization Standard (G.H.S.). Under this standard, manufacturers and distributors are required to transmit information to employers who in turn, must provide information to their employees about hazardous chemicals.

GOOD FAITH DISCLOSURE:  All data or information regarding the particular product you have purchased, which is provided in the enclosed material safety data sheet, is offered gratuitously and in good faith, but is furnished without any guarantee or warranty express or implied.  It is based on the work of our suppliers.  We offer this information only for your testing and investigation in compliance with OSHA regulations.

SUITABILITY FOR USE: The conditions of the use of the product, and the suitability of the product for your particular purposes, are beyond our control.  Thus, you, the user, therefore assume all risks of the use of the product.

WARRANTY DISCLAIMER:  American Gas & Chemical Co. Ltd. expressly disclaims all warranties of every kind and nature, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the use or suitability of the product.  American Gas & Chemical shall in no event be responsible for any damages of whatever nature, directly or indirectly, resulting from use of the product or from the publication of, use of, or reliance upon data contained in the enclosed SDS.

CAS NUMBERS AND TRADE SECRETS:  Our products are mixtures rather than single ingredients.  All of the individual ingredients used in our mixtures are listed in the TSCA inventory and have been assigned CAS numbers.  However, mixtures are not assigned CAS numbers.  In addition, some of our ingredients meet the OSHA trade secret requirements. 

RESALE:  If you resell the product, you are responsible for passing on to your customer the SDS, this letter and for and giving them appropriate warnings and handling instructions as necessary to help insure safe usage of the product.

Thank you for purchasing our products.  We do appreciate your business and want you to be satisfied with the quality, safety and effectiveness of our products. 

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